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accredited school Tuscan Region N FI0940, non-profit association registered at the Tuscany Region n° 2435

                                                                                                                                   Funded training

It must be considered particularly that over 800 million euro are made available annually free of charge to companies, to fund training programs that enhance the professionalism and employability of workers.

A good portion of these funds is not even used, because they get funding from the Funds is certainly complex: it must be a long and thorough process, from planning to the choice of the Fund, up to the execution of the training program.

Since 1999, the companies pay to the INPS a share, equal to 0.30% of the total wages of its employees, to be allocated to the continuing education of employees (Law no. 388 of 23 December 2000 Art. 18). Article. 118 of Law no. 388/2000, provides that, for each of the economic sectors of industry, agriculture, tertiary and crafts, may be established to fund national joint interprofessional training.

Each Professional Association has therefore made its own fund (currently active are 30 different types of bottom). The membership of the companies in one of more than 30 existing funds trade, each with different rules regarding the courses financed and how to access, is free.

To provide training at no cost within the companies can ask for a grant by submitting training plans to rely on the various joint funds or by using the existing channel of the European Social Fund.